科主任 朱偉堂老師 Mr. Chu Wai Tong |
組員 李誠老師,曾思霞老師 Mr. Lee Shing, Ms. Tsang Sze Ha |
組員照片 |
宗旨 / 理念 / 目標
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獲得基本科學知識及概念,在科學和科技影響的世界中作出貢獻。 To acquire the basic knowledge and concepts for living in and contributing to a scientific and technical world. |
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培養對科學的好奇心及興趣,並以科學方法來解決問題的技能。 To develop curiosity and interest in science, and the ability to solve problems and think scientifically. |
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懂得愛護環境和善用資源。 To enhance students’ concern for the environment and natural resources. |
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認識科學對社會、倫理、經濟、環境和科技所產生的影響。 To enable students to recognise the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of science. |
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為將來在 STEM 相關領域進修或就業作準備。 To prepare students for further studies in STEM-related disciplines. |
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中一專題研習 中一學生需進行實地考察、拍照和搜集資料,回校進行討論、資料整理、分析及匯報。 S1 Project Learning All S1 students should attend a site visit, take photos and search for relevant information. They have to analyse the information and discuss with their group members and present the project in class. |
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中二專題研習 中二學生需參加「趣味實驗大探究」的活動。自己搜集一個有趣味的實驗,在課堂上示範及進行講解。 S2 Project learning All S2 students should attend "Interesting experiment presentation". They have to search for an interesting experiment, give a presentation and conduct a demonstration of the experiment in class. |
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科學「GO」人 同學自己拍攝實驗示範片,當中要詳細講解。 Science Go Go Students made their own film about the demonstration of an experiment. They had to present the experiment step by step. |
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校內STEM活動 S2 水火箭比賽,同學須分組設計、製作及進行比賽。 STEM activity in school S2 water rocket competition. Participating students should design their own water rocket. |
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校際STEM比賽 第16屆中學基建模型創作比賽,03/2019,我校派出兩組同學參加。 Inter-school STEM competition 16th Infra-structure Building Competition for Secondary Schools on 03/2019. Two groups of our students took part in this competition. |
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