Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
18 Cloud View Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 25715422 | Fax: 25662767


STEM教育成就 | 季軍榮耀


機器人盛會 —— 在這次機器人盛會中,團隊展現了STEM教育的實踐成果。這不僅是技術的展示,更是創造力和團隊協作能力的體現。

未來展望 ——期待同學能夠繼續探索、創新,日後為社會帶來更多積極的變化。

#STEM教育 #季軍榮耀 #香港機器人盛會 #創新精神 #團隊合作


On July 8, 2024, our school won second runner-up place at the "Hong Kong Robotics Gala 2024." We congratulate students LI MAN HIN, LIANG YUI MAN, AU KA YING KARA, and CHOI SAU FUNG SOVAN, and extend our gratitude to the supporting teachers.

Robotics Gala — At this Robotics Gala, the team showcased the practical results of STEM education. This event was not only a demonstration of their technical skills but also a testament to their creativity and teamwork.

Future Outlook — We hope that the students will continue to explore and innovate, bringing more positive changes to society in the future.

#STEMEducation #SecondRunnerUp #HongKongRoboticsGala #SpiritOfInnovation #Teamwork