Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
電話:25715422 | 傳真:25662767
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On the April 3 to 6, 2024, our school teachers led students on a special journey - the “National Education and English Learning Singapore Exchange Tour”, allowing students to understand Singapore’s culture, education, and history.

Students walked into the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University, where they were inspired by the academic atmosphere and open campus culture. The grandeur of the Merlion Park, the bustle of Chinatown, and the colorful Haji Lane, each place gave students a deeper understanding of Singapore’s multiculturalism.

Students communicated with locals in English, not only exercising their language skills, but also experiencing the charm of multiculturalism and the importance of globalization. This will inspire students to continue to work hard to prepare for their future life path.

Looking forward to more opportunities in the future to explore this beautiful world together.