主任 周曉恩副校長 Ms. Chow Hiu Yan |
組員 譚采瑩老師,蔣念鐘老師 Ms. Tam Tsoi Ying, Mr. Choi Wai, Mr. Cheung Nim Chung |
宗旨 / 理念 / 目標
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加強師生對內地文化及教育認識,擴闊學生視野。 To help teachers and students to have a better understanding about education in the Mainland, strengthen cultural interflow, establish school networks, enhance teachers’ professionalism and broaden students’ horizons. |
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透過探訪及進行交流活動,增進友誼,加深對兩地的認識和了解。 To enhance students’ friendship and to broaden their horizons and deepen their understanding of the Mainland and Hong Kong through various sister school visits and participation of cultural, arts and sports activities etc., |
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通過教學交流,教師可分享經驗,促進課程規劃和提高專業水平。 To encourage teachers to learn from other teachers’ good teaching ideas and methodologies through activities like lesson observation, lesson evaluation and teaching demonstration, etc. It aims to encourage sharing of teaching experience, foster curriculum planning and enhance professionalism. |
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寧波外國語學校 Ningbo Foreign Language School |
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上海市莘庄中學 Shanghai Xinzhuang High School |
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北京中學 Beijing Academy |