Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
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6月27日 —— 旅程從深圳出發,抵達烏魯木齊,師生們一同感受這座城市的現代與歷史交融。晚上,品嘗地道的俄式晚餐,為接下來的探險養精蓄銳。


6月28日 —— 吐魯番的熱土迎接了我們。在達阪城,仿佛聽到了古絲綢之路上的駝鈴聲;在吐魯番博物館,每一件文物都訴說著歷史的輝煌。


6月29日 —— 火焰山的熾熱與庫木塔格沙漠的遼闊,使我們對大自然的鬼斧神工肅然起敬。


6月30日 —— 江布拉克的秀美與北庭大都護府的歷史,使我們對這片土地的自然與人文有了更深的認識。


7月1日 —— 天山天池的碧波蕩漾,如同瑤池仙境,使我們沉醉在這片人間天堂之中。


7月2日 —— 新疆自治區博物館的館藏,新疆數字文旅遊覽中心的數字創意,讓我們對新疆的多元文化有了更全面的理解。


7月3日 —— 國際大巴紮的異域風情,紅山公園的自然美景,新疆歌舞的歡快節奏,每一處都讓我們流連忘返。


7月4日 —— 帶著滿滿的收穫和回憶踏上歸途,心中已經開始期待下一次的研學之旅。




#新疆研学 #遊學神州 #探索西域 #感悟历史 #國家發展與進步

"Exploring China" Xinjiang 8-day Study Tour

From 27th June to 4th July, our school's students and teachers embarked on a meaningful "Exploring China" Xinjiang 8-day study tour. This journey provided an in-depth understanding of the natural scenery, historical culture, and ethnic customs of China's western frontier - Xinjiang.

June 27th - The journey began in Shenzhen, and upon arrival in Ürümqi, the group experienced the blend of modernity and history in the city. In the evening, they enjoyed an authentic Russian dinner, rejuvenating themselves for the upcoming adventures.

June 28th - Our group was welcomed by the heat of Turpan. In Dabancheng, it felt as if we could hear the camel bells from the ancient Silk Road; at the Turpan Museum, each artifact narrated the splendor of history.

June 29th - The intense heat of the Huoyan Mountain and the vastness of the Kumtag Desert commanded our respect for the marvels of nature.

June 30th - The picturesque beauty of Jiangbulake and the historical significance of the Beiting Protectorate deepened our understanding of the natural and cultural richness of this land.

July 1st - The rippling waters of Tianchi Lake in the Tianshan Mountains, reminiscent of a heavenly realm, made us feel as if we were lost in paradise.

July 2nd - The vast collection at the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Museum and the digital creativity at the Xinjiang Digital Culture Tourism Center provided us with a comprehensive understanding of Xinjiang's diverse culture.

July 3rd - The exotic charm of the Grand Bazaar, the natural beauty of Hong Shan, and the joyous rhythm of Xinjiang dance performances captivated us at every turn.

July 4th - We embarked on our journey home with a wealth of experiences and memories, already looking forward to the next study tour.

During this 8-day " Xinjiang Study Tour", the students are not only amazed at the magnificent landscapes of Xinjiang, experienced its vibrant culture, and learned about its profound history, but also deeply felt the country's development and progress through this journey.

#XinjiangStudyTour #ChinaStudyTour #ExploreTheWest #ReflectOnHistory #NationalDevelopmentAndProgress