Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
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#吉列島盃 #青年龍舟賽 #跨制服團隊 #冠軍榮耀

Triumphant Victory! Our School’s Dragon Boat Team Wins the " World Maritime Merchants Forum Kellett Island Cup 2024"

Students from TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College embarked on a unique journey through the Inter-Uniformed Groups Program. Their goal was to compete in the fifth " World Maritime Merchants Forum Kellett Island Cup," a traditional event hosted by the Hong Kong Yacht Club (RHKYC).

Beginning in April, the students underwent rigorous training. They not only had to master the skills of dragon boat rowing but also cultivate a spirit of teamwork. Each stroke of the paddle tested their strength and determination, and every act of coordination honed their harmony and unity.

After several weeks of hard work, the exciting moment finally arrived on June 22nd. At the Water Sports and Recreation Precinct, Wan Chai beside Kellett Island in Causeway Bay, the TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College Dragon Boat Team showcased exceptional performance in the Youth Open Category. They emerged victorious in fierce competition, claiming the championship!

This victory is not only a well-deserved reward for the students' hard training but also a testament to their team spirit and perseverance. In the 200-meter sprint course, they demonstrated the vitality and passion of youth through their speed and strength.

# KellettIslandCup #YouthDragonBoatRace #InterUniformedGroups #ChampionGlory