Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
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歌曲創作比賽 榮獲冠軍 








#環保歌曲創作比賽 #支持更生 #環保意識  #團隊精神

Songwriting Competition Winner!

On Tuesday, May 21, our school's Environmental Protection Society participated in the "Colouring the World through Recycling—Environmentally Friendly Song Writing Competition," jointly organized by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, the Correctional Services Department, and the Action Green Committee Limited.

The purpose of this event was to promote support for the rehabilitation of incarcerated individuals and encourage cooperation between incarcerated individuals and society.

The songs were composed by incarcerated individuals, with lyrics either written or adapted by secondary school students under the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.

Our school’s S5 student, CHIU ZEN WAY BEDIVERE, participated in the competition by earnestly writing lyrics. Additionally, three of our S5 students were responsible for the performance.

On the day of the competition, guests and judges selected the champions, runners-up, and second runners-up through on-site voting based on the live performances and the significance of the lyrics.

After intense competition, our students’ outstanding and dedicated performance won them the highest scores in the on-site judging, ultimately earning them the championship!

We applaud our students for their spectacular performance. This was an unforgettable experience and a profound demonstration of environmental protection and social responsibility.

#EnvironmentalProtectionSongwritingCompetition #SupportRehabilitation #EnvironmentalAwareness #TeamSpirit