Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
contact-phone25715422 | contact-fax25662767


探索未來,規劃夢想 —— 高中生涯探索新篇章!

本校同學參與LGT皇家銀行贊助,東華三院舉辦的 Way to Plan, Way to Finance (2023-2024), 透過講座及多元化攤位遊戲,同學不僅對銀行及金融業有了更深入的瞭解,更重要的是,這些體驗激發了同學們對職業規劃的深思。

#FutureFocus #職涯探索 #銀行金融 #生涯規劃 #職場體驗

Exploring the Future, Planning Dreams —— A New Chapter in High School Career Exploration!

Students from our school participated in the "Way to Plan, Way to Finance (2023-2024)" event, sponsored by LGT Private Banking and organized by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. Through seminars and diverse booth games, students not only gained a deeper understanding of the banking and finance industry but, more importantly, these experiences stimulated their reflections on career planning.

#FutureFocus #CareerExploration #BankingFinance #CareerPlanning #WorkplaceExperience